Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mark it... "X" it... Circle it.. put stars on it.

We've gotten good responses from people like you for our FASHION WITH PASSION event through the most popular advertising medium... word of mouth (WOM). No no, we're not going to start on what advertising is and how it works.. we just want to thank all the WOM's out there and can't wait to see you guys at the event. It doesn't matter what you wear, who you come with.. we'll still appreciate your gracious presence... *wink*

Now on a bit more serious note (well not that serious)... we've also stumbled upon some cool happenings which we will be involved in.. (we're such a bunch of kaypohs but with good intentions of course) and because SHARING IS CARING... we want you to take note of these events, and if it catches your interest.. mark it down.. "X" it.. draw sunflowers & put glitters around the date if you must.. and attend!

:: A Christmas Carol ::
Glitter it: 12 - 28.12.08
When: 8:30pm
Where: KLPAC
KLPac is delighted to be presenting its very own production of A Christmas Carol, based on John Mortimer’s adaptation. This version was first staged by the internationaly renowned Royal Shakespeare Company in 1994 to critical acclaim. The KLPac production will be directed by Christopher Ling.

:: Chari-TEA Bazaar by Charity Mafia ::
Mark it: 21.12.08 (Sunday)
When: 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Where: Urbanattic (CapSquare, KL)
Adamant on inspiring others to make a difference, they will be hosting Hi-Tea sets at RM20 per set along with sales on limited edition recycled carrier bags, notebooks. 100% of the proceeds will go to Precious Childrens Home.

:: Angels of PT - 21 Years of an Amazing Performance Photo Exhibition ::
Circle it: 19-21.12.08 (Friday-Sunday)
When: 12:00pm - 8:00pm
Where: Findars space, Lot 2.01, Annexe Central Market
PT Foundation continues its good deed by showcasing the magical touch of these angels in providing information, treatment, care and support and most of all… love thru their own passion for the work they believe in.

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