Thursday, January 1, 2009

Little Black Book Nominees Party - NY Eve!

We all had separate plans on the eve of New Year 2008 because there were too many parties going on such as the All girls party at Retro Club featuring DJ Q-Lock and there was also a party at Maison featuring a PLU Australian DJ! In the end, we decided to head over to the Little Black Book Nominee Party @ Club 69 whom I must say did a wonderful marketing & PR work within 10 days away from the party!

Because we were so kiasu and didn't want to be stuck in the jam, we reached KL by 730pm, without any jam! Hmm... since it was too early, the best thing to do would be to chill at the mamak before the party starts.

Even then when we entered at 945pm, we were the first ones to arrive ( of all days, we were so punctual! ). Soon people were trickiling in and by 1130pm the show started. The organisers made sure that the branding was apparent (with the LBB printed backdrop), the door gifts was pretty good and they had the girls giving out shots at RM20 just as they promised.

Stef Lim who is the creator of the LBB group/project emceed for the night and started the party with the fashion show. Although only 6 out of the 42 nominees walked the runway that night, the commitment and passion only showed in them and we wished that more nominees would have taken part instead of just having their pictures up for nomination. Even the troupes from Singapore came all the way down to support the show! After all, the whole idea of the event is for CHARITY.

There was also performances by Sapphoric Acid and a pole dancer who decided not to pole dance in the end. But thank God for her groovy dance moves which kept us entertained.

As the clock struck 12am, we countdown-ed the night and bid farewell to 2008 and cheered for the year 2009. May it be filled with happiness, laughter, kind hearts and such.

Happy New Year to all and be safe!
The Serious One
Womynlikeus Team

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