Thursday, October 22, 2009

Coffins, Coffins & Casket

Any box used to bury the dead in is a coffin. A distinction between "coffins" and "caskets", using coffin to refer to a tapered hexagonal or octagonal (also considered to be anthropoid in shape) box used for a burial and casket to refer to a rectangular burial box with a split lid used for viewing the deceased as seen in the picture above.

The Question is, my dear friends... would you lie in a coffin, actually lie in it for a while? Have you ever wondered, maybe just out of curiosity ... what does it feel like inside that wooden box... with the lid closed?

Well, people today are more receptive and open to the topic of death and coffins... on the coast of Ghana, the Ga tribe approach death in an interesting way.

The coffins they create are brightly colored, elaborate and festive. Often called "fantasy coffins", they represent something about how deceased lived. Coffins are created in the form of fish, animals, cars, bottles, Bibles, and any other object requested. A fisherman may get a fish coffin; A carpenter, a hammer; or a photographer, a camera. Someone devout may choose a Bible. Vices like beet bottles and cigarettes are also used.

Whatever it is... we do have something in stored for you along these lines, but then who's going to let the cat out of the bag? No, it will definitely not be me... you will have to come to find out...

if there will be or there will not be, a coffin a casket, and a body to see :)

p/s: do bring along your cameras, you might want to take a body shot with it !

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