Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Good Body

How many of you caught the buzz on Eve Ensler's The Good Body performance by our very own Malaysian ladies? If you did, you did good, but if you didn't you can catch an excerpt on it from MalaysiaKTV (of course it's much better if you were actually there to watch it). The show was truly inspirational and a wake-up call as I had been on a treadmill for the past few months trying to lose the extra baggage I've been collecting for the past year! How do you actually define a Good Body? Is it slim, tall with a flat tummy? Or is it round, fuller and curvier?

The Good Body, written by internationally acclaimed playwright Eve Ensler explores the experiences with monologues representing women from Bombay to Beverly Hills. It began with her and her particular obsession with her "IMPERFECT" stomach. Delivering narratives collected in locker rooms, cell blocks, boardrooms, and bedrooms, Ensler frames their stories with her own personal journey from a self-loathing teenager to a (sometimes) self-accepting adult. A young Latina candidly critiques her humiliating "spread", a stubborn layer of fat that she calls "a second pair of thighs". The wife of a plastic surgeon recounts being systematically reconstructed, inch by inch, by her "perfectionist" husband. An aging magazine executive, still haunted by her mother's long-ago criticism, describes her desperate pursuit of youth as she relentlessly does sit-ups.

My personal favourite was the women in Africa who lived close to the Earth & didn't understand what it meant to not love their body. She points to a tree and said "Do you like this tree?" She points to another tree and said "Now do you like this tree?" And then rationalizes "You do not like this tree because it does not look like that tree." When someone does not look the same like the other, we tend to think that something has to be fixed. I was also lifted by the women in India who celebrated their roundness. Bella's portrayal of Priya was amazing. Her husband exclaims as she told him she will spend her time on a treadmill "Priya... Priya.. your body is like my country. I will be lost without its landmarks." There is a Jeddi (roundness) in all of us!

Love Your Body. Stop Fixing It. It Was Never Broken in The First Place.

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